Cable Rolla

Cable Rolla is a simple but effective tool for anyone working with cables. It is light, easy to assemble and use and takes away the frustrations of de-coiling cables on site.

Cable Rolla was designed and patented by Network Solutions's Director, Thomas Grice, in 2009. All of parts used to make the Cable Rolla are purchased from Australian companies. Cable Rolla conforms to W3C Standard.


Keep fingers away from pinch points.

Set Cable Rolla up on stable ground.

Lift with knees and keep a straight back.

Do not use around live cables.

Do not stand on Cable Rolla.

Cable Rolla is not intended for flying.

Cable Rolla is a must for any network cablers or electricians tool kit.

To buy one today, visit or contact the Haymans Valley store.

Innovative Data & Communications Solutions

Network Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd

Mail: PO Box 2275, Fortitude Valley BC Qld 4006

Phone: 1300 200 271  Fax: 07 3319 6699


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Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat - Sun, Public Hols and After Hours: By prior appt only or emergency

* For weekend, public holiday and after hours work, a higher rate will be charged.

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