Data and telecommunications are one of the most expensive assets of your business is extremely important for businesses and companies to run efficiently and profitably. Its’ availability, security and redundancy depends on the structure and effectiveness of your companies’ cabling and wiring solution (infrastructure). We can design and deploy a cabling structure that is built to grow along with your needs and sustains additions, changes and future moves.

Our cabling solutions are high performing systems with support for high speed technologies. We stay current with todays technology by offering the highest standard connectivity between components to meet and exceed your expectations. Network Solutions will research, design, install and configure the perfect solution for your companies’ requirements.

Fibre Optics is more commonly used for the transportation of data where the links are longer than 200 metres. Many companies are now moving to fibre optics as the advantages

CCTV cameras have become more reliable and inexpensive. Network Solutions offers solutions which are scalable from one camera up and additional cameras can be added to the system quickly and easily at any time. Why not protect your business or property for added peace of mind?

Network Solutions can help you with:

Repair existing IP Camera points (sockets, jacks)

Connect IP Camera to business units, warehouses, factories, parking areas and more, where ever you require monitoring

Relocate existing IP Camera sockets (jacks, points)

All cabling work is tested on completion and all terminations are identified, labelled and documented. Network Solutions is a TE Connectivity certified installer and offers up to 20 years warranty on data network cabling.

Network Solutions can help you with:

Fibre Optic Cabling (Single-mode and Multi-mode fibres)

Fibre Terminations

OTDR Testing to Australian Standards

Fusion Splicing

Cabling work is in accordance with Australian Standard AS/ACIF S009 Installation requirements for customer cabling (Wiring Rules).

Data Cabling Solutions

Fibre Optics

Security Cabling

Innovative Data & Communications Solutions

1300 200 271

outweigh other methods. Fibre optics has the ability to carry information for hundreds of kilometres faster and can handle the transfers of larger amounts of data. Fibre optics also has less interference over copper wire in long distance and high demand applications.

Network Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd

Mail: PO Box 2275, Fortitude Valley BC Qld 4006

Phone: 1300 200 271  Fax: 07 3319 6699


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri:  8:00am - 5:00pm

Sat - Sun, Public Hols and After Hours:  By prior appt only or emergency.

* A higher rate will be charged.

© 2017 Network Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd